Wednesday, April 11, 2018

The Beauty of Writing

The beauty of writing is that you can write anything anywhere at any time. You can make time stop or speed up, go into the future 300 years or go back 1,000 more. You can write unicorns fighting aliens in space and have them all wearing capes. You can write someone’s death and bring them back to life, or reincarnation from a dog to a cat to a human.

Point is, you can do anything your heart desires. Unless you are working on a deadline and need to hand it in to your editor, there’s no time limit either. You might read some people finishing a novel in 3 months and it’s already taken you a year and you’re still not done. That’s okay! Just as long as you’re not writing that one novel your whole entire life and never get it finished.

Other aspects with writing, you can write non-fiction, or business-related articles. Or be a sports journalist. Or a poet! I love poets! Even though, sadly many of them don’t make anything for it.

The thing is when you become a writer, the whole world is yours, whatever you make of it. You’re your own boss too (until you try to sell it, but that’s a whole different matter.) But with that, even though you can write anything, it can be super difficult to come up with that idea. There are many things you can do to help you along the way. If you haven’t done so, I would suggest joining a writing group or something in your local community. It always helps to bounce ideas off one another. Also if you join a writing group or forum online, there usually is a forum of writing prompts to help get the juices flowing. Or another thing you can do is sign up for a writing course.

There are a lot of pitfalls in the writing business, especially with trying to publish something. If you’ve tried your hardest to get your one novel published and it’s just NOT happening, it may be time to move on and write something else. Don’t ever give up! Maybe one day that one novel you wrote a long long time ago gets published anyway. It could happen. I really don’t think you should give up on any novel completely. It just might not be the right time for it.

The trick is to keep writing. Unless of course you’re stuck. Then the best thing to do is read! And yes, it all pertains to writing.

Writing is something that you can completely create on your own. It can be tough to do, but if you continue to write, you will always improve no matter what you decide to write.