Sunday, March 13, 2016

An Update on my Writing

I have a few novels on submission and while I wait, of course the best thing to do is write. And that’s what I’ve been doing and I’m pretty proud of myself that I got up to 22K in my word count. I’ve always been a pantser and write whatever comes to mind. Usually I’m thinking one scene ahead. I have an idea about the ending, but it’s still unclear as to how it’s going to go down.

I keep telling myself I will outline, but for me, it’s better to just keep writing. I’m realizing when I hit a wall something is wrong and I have to go back. And I do. Sometimes I work on something completely different. I think that also helps get the ideas going again.

It’s a YA horror novel and right now, it’s really suspenseful. I’m trying to hold that suspense up, slowly taking it to a higher level of intensity. It’s proving to be difficult, but it’s fun and I like what I have so far. It definitely gets your mind off of the submission wait time.

I’m excited to see where this one goes. And of course I am hopeful it will one day see the light and get published. It’s a dream to have all my work published. But even if I could have just one really good one out of the bunch, I would be very happy with that too.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is keep working on the dream. It will never die as long as you keep it alive and going. Perseverance really is key.